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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Experiential learning for student pharmacists in Scotland

Scottish pharmacy experiential learning is funded by the Scottish Government and organised in partnership between Robert Gordon University, the University of Strathclyde, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and other pharmacy stakeholders.

NES Pharmacy supports experiential learning (EL) in Scotland by managing the financial governance of ACTp funding and providing Quality Management of EL, through training of facilitators and premises approval of training sites, on behalf of the universities.

Experiential Learning in 2024-25

Training providers and facilitators of experiential learning

Funding, called ‘Additional Cost of Teaching (ACT) fees’ are now available to training providers who are facilitating university arranged Student Pharmacists’ experiential learning as part of the MPharm curriculum throughout an academic year.

To be eligible to receive an ACT contribution, the Pharmacist facilitating EL (Facilitator) needs to have committed to undertaking Preparation for Facilitating Experiential Learning Training (PFEL). This is a training and preparation package and a PFEL fee is payable per Facilitator. The training will cover a variety of topics including:

  • What is involved in EL and what do you need to do in your role as Facilitator?
  • What do the Universities expect from you as a Facilitator of EL?
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Giving Feedback

Further information, useful resources and available PFEL dates can be found on our Turas Learn page.

The EL facilitator is also required to provide feedback as detailed by the relevant university.

Training providers

Every experiential learning provider needs to sign an Educational Agreement /Service Level Agreement to participate in experiential learning. Organisations will be contacted by NES and asked to review and sign an agreement if there is not one already in place.

Experiential learning principles for training providers [DOCX] are available. The aim is that every student pharmacist will receive equitable high-quality learning opportunities and support in every Experiential Learning provider across Scotland. The principles form the basis of the Quality Management Visit Process for Training Providers which will be undertaken by NES, to support the enhancement of Experiential Learning in Scotland.

Feedback requirements

Facilitators providing feedback to student pharmacists:

All student pharmacists who undertake EL should be provided with constructive verbal feedback throughout their placement to help them to recognise their own strengths and areas for development. We ask that facilitators provide clear, fair and honest feedback to the student pharmacist regularly, both during and at the end of the placement. In addition, all student pharmacists must receive written feedback in the format outlined by the relevant university. It is essential that this is provided, as it is required for student pharmacist assessment by the university.

Please note that the university EL Teams are always on hand if you have concerns– any serious concerns should be raised with immediately with the relevant contact listed in the ‘University EL Teams’ section below.

Why is feedback important?

Your feedback will help the student pharmacist to develop and allow them to reflect on past EL experiences as they plan for future EL or as they plan to move on to Foundation Training Year. By providing this honest and constructive feedback you will support them in evaluating their skills, knowledge and behaviours as witnessed in the workplace and help them to develop these as they progress through their journey to becoming pharmacists. It is important to provide feedback so that all student pharmacists benefit from this, and none are disadvantaged by not having this opportunity. Student pharmacists also require written feedback elements to complete post EL tasks at university.

Facilitator support tools

The named facilitator for every student pharmacist will be sent a copy of the relevant MPharm Experiential Learning Handbook before the experiential learning placement. These documents are also linked below for your information. These are updated at the beginning of each academic year.

Experiential Learning Frameworks

These documents provide an overview of defined tasks that student pharmacists could carry out under supervision to meet specified University Learning Outcomes for EL Placements within different practice settings. They demonstrate how tasks build in complexity throughout the years and support planning of activities to allow student pharmacists to demonstrate learning outcomes and GPhC Professional Standards during their experiential learning.

University EL Teams

If you have any concerns or issues (including student pharmacist absence) during experiential learning please contact the relevant University.

University of Strathclyde – Key contacts

Paul Kearns (MPharm EL Co-ordinator - 0141 548 3428)

Morven McDonald (MPharm EL Co-ordinator - 0141 548 3428)

Phil Brown (MPharm EL Administrator - 0141 548 3745)

Anne Boyter (MPharm Course Director and Director of Teaching - 0141 548 4594)

Robert Gordon University – Key contacts

Michelle Strachan (Regional Tutor: North Region (East & West) - NHS Grampian, Tayside, Highland & Islands, Fife - 07734 773394)

Aly Brown (Regional Tutor: West Region - NHS AAA, D&G, GGC, Golden Jubilee, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley, Lothian & Borders - 07966 284238)

Craig McDonald (MPharm Placement Officer - 07384 877779)

Nicky Spalding (MPharm Placement Administrator - 01224 262671 / 07384 878174)

Ranjit Barry (MPharm Course Leader Stage 1 & Stage 2 - 01224 262000)

Elaine Youngson (MPharm Course Leader Stage 3 & Stage 4 - 01224 262000)

If you wish to speak to someone regarding experiential learning at Robert Gordon University, please follow the communication pathway detailed in the EL handbook.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email