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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Showcasing trainees’ contribution to NHSScotland over 15 years

Showcasing trainees’ contribution to NHSScotland over 15 years

Showcasing trainees’ contribution to NHSScotland over 15 years

The NES Trainee Health Psychology Programme Conference: Showcasing Trainees’ Contribution to NHSScotland Over 15 Years takes place on Wednesday 15 November.

The hybrid conference will celebrate the NES-funded programme and highlight the contribution of health psychology across NHS Scotland spanning a variety of areas such as:

  • diabetes
  • substance use
  • dentistry
  • pain management

On the day, academic health psychology expertise, former trainees now working in NHS Scotland, current trainees and supervisors will give a glimpse of their work in applied settings and share their experiences.

We will welcome guest speakers from near and far who will discuss significant research from the field of behaviour change. We will also hear about exciting health psychology developments south of the border as well as share updates from our own homegrown NES training programme, looking back on the journey from initiation to where we are today.

View the full programme

Register to attend the conference


Since 2008, 40 NES Stage 2 trainees have qualified as Health Psychologists with the British Psychological Society.

The two-year fixed term post allows trainees to complete the British Psychological Society’s Stage 2 Training while employed by the NHS to undertake a programme of approved work.

Visit the NES website for more information on the NES Stage 2 Health Psychology Programme


October, 30 2023