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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

National Trauma Transformation Programme

In 2016 NHS Education for Scotland was asked by the Scottish Government to develop a set of resources to promote and implement trauma informed practice within Scotland. This was due to the growing recognition of the impact of traumatic experiences on people.  For more information about the National Trauma Transformation Programme, please visit


Our overarching vision is to develop a trauma informed and responsive nation and workforce, that:

  • is informed by people with lived experience
  • recognises the importance of wellbeing in the workforce
  • recognises where people are affected by trauma and adversity
  • responds in ways that prevent further harm
  • supports recovery
  • and can address inequalities and improve life chances

What do we mean by trauma informed practice?

  • Being ‘Trauma Informed’ means being able to recognise when someone may be affected by trauma, collaboratively adjusting how we work to take this into account and responding in a way that supports recovery, does no harm and recognises and supports people's resilience.
  • Being 'Trauma Informed' is underpinned by the 5 R's:
    • Realising how common the experience of trauma and adversity is
    • Recognising the different ways that trauma can affect people
    • Responding by taking account of the ways that people can be affected by trauma to support recovery
    • Opportunities to Resist re-traumatisation and offer a greater sense of choice and control, empowerment, collaboration and safety with everyone that you have contact with
    • Recognising the central importance of Relationships

In the ‘Learning resources’ section below you will find a link to a range of eModules, key documents and other training materials that will help to operationalise the above.

Learning resources

Please view a summary of all of our current trauma training resources.

The knowledge and skills framework

This interactive document [PDF] details the different knowledge and skills needed by workers to respond to those affected by trauma at different stages in their recovery:

The training plan

This practical guidance tool [PDF] is designed to be used in conjunction with the Knowledge Skills and Framework to support all organisations in Scotland to develop their workers to understand the impact of trauma on people’s lives and be trauma-responsive.

For more information, go to our website.

Contact us

Last updated: 11/07/2024

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