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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Healthcare science disciplines and sub-disciplines

NHS Scotland's healthcare science workforce spans four divisions, which cover approximately fifty specialties. 

  • Life sciences (the laboratory services...)
  • Clinical physiology (e.g. audiology or cardiac physiology...)
  • Physical sciences (e.g. medical physics-bioengineering or clinical photography)
  • Bioinformatics and data science (eg clinical genomics and pathogen genomics)

Our quick guide [PPT] to healthcare science describes these in more detail.

Life Sciences

In Healthcare Science, this covers the laboratory services that provide diagnostics across a wide range of scientific disciplines. Delivery of these services is by HCPC regulated Biomedical Scientists and Clinical Scientists, and by support staff.

Physical Sciences

In Healthcare Science, this covers Medical Physics and Bioengineering disciplines, and also Clinical Photography and Maxillofacial-Prosthetics services. Delivery of these services is by HCPC regulated Clinical Scientists, and by other key groups including Clinical Technologists and support staff.

Clinical Physiology

In Healthcare Science, this covers services characterised by close interaction with patients such as Audiology, Cardiac Physiology, Respiratory-Sleep Physiology, Neurophysiology or Perfusion.  Delivery of these services is mainly by Clinical Physiologists and support staff

Bioinformatics and data science

Bioinformatics and data science, bioinformaticians study and analyse large amounts of biological data to support patient care. They work with other healthcare science staff to develop and improve the software applications and methods used to acquire, organise, store, and analyse biological data. In the NHS, they work in different areas of the service, including: clinical genomics and pathogen genomics.

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Further information about training arrangements is on our TURAS Learn page

Last updated: 24/09/2020

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