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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

The KIND learning network: technical mentoring scheme

The KIND learning network: technical mentoring scheme

The KIND learning network: technical mentoring scheme

The Knowledge, Information and Data (KIND) learning network is an inclusive and supportive community of practice for staff across the knowledge, information, and data workforce.

It exists to further the leading role of the community in the digital transformation of health and care by supporting learning, sharing of best practice, and developing interdisciplinary collaborations.

How the KIND mentoring scheme works:

  • we operate a simple scheme to put mentors and mentees in touch
  • we invite proposals for specific professional mentoring needs - usually to support a single project for about 8 weeks
  • we also provide support for mentors to help build mentoring skills
  • the whole scheme operates by mutual consent, so participants are free to leave at any time
  • we'll ask participants to give very quick progress updates on their work as the mentoring scheme progresses

The KIND learning network membership is free and open to all. The network is intended mainly for those working in KIND roles in health and social care in Scotland, but we welcome any interested people.

Complete the KIND learning network sign-up form to access the network.

June, 24 2024