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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Sharing knowledge and experience in Technology Enhanced Learning

Sharing knowledge and experience in Technology Enhanced Learning

Sharing knowledge and experience in Technology Enhanced Learning

Due to the popularity of the Technology Enhanced Learning Knowledge Network (TELKN) NES is keen to find out if a similar approach could be helpful for health and care colleagues across Scotland.

The TEL KN was established together with the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Meet Ups as a staff support resource at the onset of the pandemic in March 2020.

The initial purpose was to offer peer support, provided by the Remote and Rural Healthcare Education Alliance (RRHEAL), to colleagues in the Medical Directorate on the delivery and design of TEL resources.

However, both the weekly TEL meet ups and the associated TEL KN proved very popular across all directorates and now, one year on, have over 450 members.

RRHEAL and NES Digital host the network and Meet Ups which provide staff with a friendly space in which they can share experiences, discoveries, knowledge and successes around TEL. With the functionality offered by Microsoft Teams this has become a very active community of practice where colleagues share knowledge and answer questions.

A series of initial TEL Meet Up sessions are planned for early 2022, and session dates and details will be communicated in early January. Please feel free to contact the NES TEL Team with any suggestions or questions you may have in relation to our TEL KN and TEL Meet Ups by emailing Katie Edwards, Specialist Lead in Knowledge Management/ TEL (


December, 15 2021