Reviewing the cost effectiveness of psychological interventions in physical health settings
Key findings from the paper ‘A Systematic Review of Economic Analyses of Psychological Interventions and Therapies in Health-Related Settings’ indicate that three quarters of the review papers included revealed evidence of the cost effectiveness of psychological interventions in physical health settings. Some of the most clear-cut evidence for cost effectiveness was in pain conditions while cost effectiveness in cancer settings was also evident with benefits outlined for stepped care approaches.
The paper synthesises evidence on the economic impact of psychological interventions and therapies when applied to a broad range of physical health conditions. NES commissioned the review as a resource for staff and managers.
The review included 46 randomised controlled trial studies and 5 systematic review papers published since 2012. These described health care utilisation data and/or cost-effectiveness associated with the delivery of psychological interventions by trained staff (interventions that did not include interactions with a staff member were excluded) in adult populations with a physical health condition or in a physical health setting within developed countries.
The paper presents a strong case for continuing to develop psychological services for patients presenting in physical health settings, and a clear need for more economic evaluations of widely delivered psychological interventions to be undertaken in the UK. There is also the opportunity for research to reflect the growing use of remote or technology supported care in the COVID context. This is a burgeoning area of research and there is scope to update this search and synthesis as the literature and clinical practice evolve.
The Review sits alongside a range of resources providing information and skills training for staff working in physical healthcare settings in Scotland. It supports the overarching NES mission of enabling excellence in healthcare through education, workforce development and support.
Read ‘A Systematic Review of Economic Analyses of Psychological Interventions and Therapies in Health-Related Settings’
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June, 29 2021