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NHS Education for Scotland

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NES Perinatal and Infant Mental Health - Stigma

NES Perinatal and Infant Mental Health - Stigma

NES Perinatal and Infant Mental Health - Stigma

The NES Essential Perinatal and Infant Mental Health - Stigma Module was developed to fulfil the requirements of the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Curricular Framework: Dimension 4: Stigma for all mental health staff, including:

  • adult
  • addictions
  • maternity
  • primary care
  • health visiting
  • third sector staff who work in enhanced roles
  • staff working in specialist PIMH services

The module highlights social, cultural and personal ideas of motherhood and mental health that can act as a barrier to women feeling able to share when they are struggling in the perinatal period. The authors were influenced by the work of the MATRIX study that was investigating barriers to women accessing perinatal mental health services. 

Marie Claire Shankland, Programme Director, said:

“In producing these materials, we were mindful of the findings of the MBRRACE confidential enquiry reports into maternal deaths, that highlight a growing awareness of the inequality of outcomes for women and families from ethnic minority groups, who experience higher mortality rates and higher rates of mental health problems.
“Our Stigma module supports staff to work in a culturally competent way with families, and has helpful resources to address the impact of stigma and discrimination in the perinatal period. ” 

As of January 2023, 2,146 people have completed the Stigma module. Here’s what some of them had to say:

“…thought provoking.”
“Very informative and worthwhile learning.”  
“This module was really diverse in the content that was explored. The videos are great ways to connect with the theory and real experiences.”  
“…videos of women’s experiences in their own words was very powerful.”  
“Very interesting module, shocked by the statistics regarding black and ethnic minority woman in comparison to white woman.”  
 “Thought provoking statistics and discussion from women from diverse ethnic backgrounds highlighting the ongoing issues with systemic racism in healthcare.”  
“Very thought provoking, a valuable learning package.” 
 "Excellent teaching on BAME women and inequality – thank you so much for including and highlighting.” 
 “I thought this was a great module, it made me reflect and provided some really nice practical suggestions for how to support mothers.”  
"This module supported me to reflect on women from different backgrounds and the implications that may be impact on accessing Perinatal Mental Health Services."
"Informative and carefully constructed module."

For more information please contact: Marie Claire Shankland, Programme Director:

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April, 25 2023