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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

NES Draft Strategy Consultation

NES Draft Strategy Consultation

NES Draft Strategy Consultation

There’s still time to give your feedback on NES’s draft Strategy for 2023-26.

Centred round the themes of People, Partnership and Performance, the draft Strategy sets out how NES plans to work with staff, learners, partners and those who use health and social care services to make a positive difference to health and wellbeing, focusing on four key areas:

  • education, Training and Workforce Development
  • data, Intelligence and Workforce Supply
  • educational Research
  • digital Innovation and Delivery

The heart of this draft strategy is our fundamental belief in being adaptive, creative and responsive to the needs of the workforce and the communities they serve.  We want to focus on the people we are here to support, on the partnerships we need to forge and on delivering the best performance with the resources we have.

Through this consultation we are seeking the views of our learners, educators, partners and stakeholders to help us better understand what is important to people and further shape our strategic intent.

Feedback can be given by completing our short survey. Closing date is 1 May.


April, 25 2023