NES Annual Virtual Conference 2022
Save the dates - Wednesday 27 & Thursday 28 April 2022!
Following on the growing success of the 2021 conference, we are delighted to confirm that we will once again be hosting the conference virtually over two days in 2022.
This event will be of interest to all those involved in:
- medical education and training
- medical appraisal
- dental education and training
- practice management
- nurses
- midwives
- allied health professionals
- healthcare chaplains
- support workers
- educationalists
- strategic leaders
There will be a number of plenary and parallel sessions by all the health professional groups and an opportunity for joint sessions highlighting interprofessional learning.
We currently invite poster abstracts in the following categories:
- Training delivery
- Simulated and online learning
- New perspectives and novel methods in education and training
- Careers - structure and support
- Interprofessional education
- COVID-19
- Miscellaneous
Go to the event webpage to download the poster abstract submission form. Closing date for submissions is Wednesday 23 February 2022.
The meeting is sponsored by NHS Education for Scotland, and there will be no charge for participation. Further details on the programme and how to register will follow.
For any queries please contact nes.conference@nhs.scot
January, 25 2022