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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Leading to Change check-in session

Leading to Change check-in session

Leading to Change check-in session

Leading to Change offers online check in for leaders at all levels to hear and be heard.

Our event, on the 6 December, is a chance to welcome anyone working in social work, social care and health into a conversation about what’s going on in Leading to Change and to share what’s going on for you.

We will share what’s available including our current offers and how this might connect with the work you do locally, as well as asking for your thoughts on the leadership challenges you face and what leadership development offers would support you. There will also be an opportunity for a Q&A session with the delivery team.

This event is a step to developing a series of new events available from February next year across Scotland, both virtually and in-person.

We hope you can join us and would ask that you share this with anyone else who may be interested in finding out more:

November, 29 2022