Full schedule of remote and rural, with rural teams’ education network, learning events announced
From next month the team behind the Remote and Rural Series of Learning Events and the Rural Teams Education Network (RTEN) will be offering a combined programme of online education sessions.
Historically RTEN has focussed mainly on clinical training in comparison to the variety offered in the series of learning events.
From September, there will be at least two learning sessions per month, one on a clinically relevant theme and one on a general health care related topic.
Trish Gray, Interim Head of Programme for the Remote & Rural Healthcare Education Alliance (RRHEAL), NES said:
“We hope colleagues will find these changes useful and highlight the breadth of learning on offer.”
Find information on the learning events by visiting our Remote and Rural Series of Learning Events Turas page. We invite you to promote these education sessions to your colleagues. Many more sessions are being arranged so please revisit this page regularly for registration details.
August, 29 2023