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NHS Education for Scotland

A skilled and sustainable workforce for a healthier Scotland

Coaching for Wellbeing – Returners Welcome!

Coaching for Wellbeing – Returners Welcome!

Coaching for Wellbeing – Returners Welcome!

Coaching for Wellbeing was initially created to support colleagues facing challenges resulting from the pandemic.

As the pressures continue to impact people across the system, we are opening our offer up to colleagues to return for coaching support.

Is coaching for you?

  • How are you feeling now? Is it time for you to focus on your own health and wellbeing
  • Has your confidence in delivering your role been impacted during the pressures of the pandemic?
  • Are you a leader who wants to support your colleagues or team members?

If the answer to any one of these questions is “Yes” you can benefit from 2 hours of free coaching each year, designed specifically to support all health, social work, and social care colleagues across Scotland.

The coaching is delivered by qualified and experienced coaches all of whom have experience of working with and coaching those who work in health, social work, and social care services.

Previous coachees’ experience in their own words:

“It changed my life. Sounds corny but it's true. I'm happy and confident in work as a result of the coaching sessions I had”.
"It's not what I expected, it challenged me to look at my issues from a different perspective and to explore why a particular experience negatively affected my confidence to such a level. This led me to use this approach with different issues to see what new insight this brought to me”.

More information and accessing coaching

Coaching for Wellbeing Information Pack

Sign up for coaching support

For more information on self-care and other support

The coaching service is managed by NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with Know You More, a digital coaching organisation, who provides the online platform for you to sign up and be matched with a coach.

September, 28 2022