20 years of The Knowledge Network
We are celebrating 20 years of The Knowledge Network! From the launch of the eLibrary in 2004 to our redesign of The Knowledge Network in 2024, that's two decades of free and equal access to a wealth of digital library resources for health and social care staff in Scotland.
Resources include:
- Evidence summary services to support decisions at point of care
- Library resources such as eBooks, print books, eJournals and guidelines
- Key medicines information resources
- Databases covering many health and social care topics
- Social care subject specialism
- Leadership and self-development resources and British standards
- RefWorks reference management software
- Recent news and announcements, including current awareness bulletins
- Training opportunities to develop searching and information literacy skills
- Support to help you to use The Knowledge Network
The key to it all is an NHS Scotland (NHSS) OpenAthens account - NHSScotland staff can choose to sign in with an NHSS email address and password and all other eligible users can self-register for an account.
The Knowledge Network is managed by the NES Knowledge Services team. As knowledge management professionals, our aim is to provide you with access to knowledge and evidence to use the right information at the right time to deliver quality evidence-based care. We can tell you how to access all these resources so you can be confident that your practice is based on up-to-date guidelines and evidence.
We recently updated our website with:
- a refreshed interface
- simplified navigation
- clearer explanations about resources and services
- an improved mobile experience
The Knowledge Network is easier to use than ever.
We will be updating all of our training materials to support health and social care staff over the coming months. See our range of videos and step-by-step guides on our Help and Training pages.
Sign up for an Introduction to The Knowledge Network via Turas Learn, to help you find your way around and remind you of the many services available to you.
All health and social care staff can keep up to date with library news by joining our Knowledge Nuggets mailing list.
If you need any help or would like to request training for yourself, your colleagues or as part of your own training programmes, please contact our Knowledge Services Help Desk.
Thank you for supporting your national digital library for 20 years!
June, 24 2024